Friday, July 19, 2013

Holy Communion in Homegroups etc.

I notice that "The House of Bishops recognizes the value of an occasional celebration of Holy Communion in ... [home groups or other parish groups] when a priest must preside.".

(Guidelines on Holy Communion by extension,

I wonder how this fits with Canon B40:

B 40 Of Holy Communion elsewhere than in consecrated buildings

No minister shall celebrate the Holy Communion elsewhere than in a consecrated building within his cure or other building licensed for the purpose, except he have permission so to do from the bishop of the diocese: Provided that at all times he may celebrate the Holy Communion as provided by Canon B 37 in any private house wherein there is any person sick, or dying, or so impotent that he cannot go to church.


Is the Minister really expected to contact the Bishop if he is thinking of having a Communion service with a homegroup or other parish group other than in the parish church?

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