Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Spirituality Workshop

It's not too late to plan to join us for our Spirituality Workshop.

Spirituality Workshop
Sat 1st June

Osborne House, Rushlake Green (opposite the shop)

Coffee from 9:30am for 10am – 12:30pm followed by a light buffet lunch

This workshop is based on the Christian tradition but is intended to be suitable for those of any faith or none who are open to exploring a biblical spirituality. The morning involves an introduction to time-honoured Christian practices with the option of trying out one or two approaches to spirituality if you wish.

The morning will be led by The Revd Marian Raikes, Chaplain & tutor at Oak Hill Theological College, London. Marian has considerable experience of Christian ministry. Before coming a full-time theological educator, she was a parish minister for 14 years and before that a University chaplain. She is the author of a number of works and edited Stirrings of the Soul. Marian is a member of a “large and interesting family”, and her interests include pondlife conservation, all small wet creatures, eating and the theatre.

Suggested minimum donation of £5 per person

If you plan to come, it would be helpful (but not essential) to let us know for catering purposes. 

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