Friday, February 15, 2013

Live to work or work to live?

Perhaps this dilema is lessened if we begin to think of our work as part of God's mission.

If our work is aligned to the creation mandate and the great commission, then, in part, we live to work. God's plan is to rule and fill the earth through the disciples of Jesus Christ and, in part, this plan is fulfilled by our work, in union with Christ and in the power of the Spirit by the Word of God.

If we are a bank robber or a prostitute it is clear that (more than likely!) we work to live. But any other lawful calling is part of the very purpose of our existence. We were put in the garden to guard and keep and fill it and to grow the family buisness untill its a global operation. We do not live merely for evenings, weekends and holidays. Neither do we live merely for church on a Sunday, homegroup or seeking to talk about Jesus at the water cooler. Work is part of life lived in obedience to God, part of his plan and purposes.  Sweeping the streets is as much part of that plan as the ministry of the gospel or being a teacher or doctor.

Oh, and of course, we also work so that we might live: to provide for ourselves and our families and to give to others.

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