Sunday, September 23, 2012

Warbleton Church Mission Action Plan Launch 2012

 Warbleton Parish Church MISSION ACTION PLAN Summary (2012)

to be & make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ

Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Peter 3:15

·         improve our website and keep it up-to-date
·         plan ahead and publicise our programme (for the year)
·         produce and use a welcome leaflet
·         make more use of Facebook in publicity and perhaps Twitter
·         personal invitations key - A6 flyers for events available
·         when people move into the area, make sure Marc knows (visit)
·         joined up events with next step options for finding out more
·         email circulation list for forthcoming events etc.
·         every church member praying, befriending, inviting etc.
·         not too busy – involved in local clubs etc., time for friendships
·         11-50 year olds relatively absent – extra effort to reach this age group
·         long-term aim to be an all age family friendly church
·         grow our work with families from the bottom up over the long term
·         new toddler group & social events for the mums
·         summer holiday club type morning for the under 11s
·         focus on men under 60 - football trip and fishing day and other suitable events e.g. pub quiz
·         parenting course
·         ? bereavement course (in the future)
·         opportunities to investigate the Christian faith e.g. Christianity Explored and the Identity Course
·         make the most of baptism, wedding and funeral enquiries from local people
·         a marriage (preparation) day ?
·         events that deal with issues of contemporary interest and practical application from a Christian perspective e.g. evening on internet security, social media safety, online pornography
·         working with the other churches in the benefice - support joint events
·         explore the possibility of working with other churches to do things together which we could do less effectively alone
·         begin to plan now for the Passion For Life Mission at Easter 2014
·         broaden the base of volunteers who are actively involved

Why not pray this prayer at least once a week?

“Father God, thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ and the good news about him.

Please help me to follow Jesus and to encourage others to follow him.

Please help me to live in such a way that others are helped to come to Jesus, and please give me opportunities to speak about Jesus and the right words to say.

Please bless my friendships with:





Please show me ways I could help them to follow Jesus and give me the courage to do so.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.”                                                         

What could the church do to help you reach these people and others with the good news about Jesus? If you have ideas, please speak to Marc. Suggestions and offers of help are always welcome.

A date for your diary:

At our churches away day on Saturday 26th January at Springhill, Broad Oak, Rev’d Glen Scrivener will give 3 talks on:

The Outgoing God: The Why, What and How of Sharing our Faith

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