Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Christian Education

I'm trying to do some thinking about Christian values for our church primary school. The people at Diocisan church house suggested this:

The National Insitute for Christian Education looks worth a look!

'What if Learning' is a "distinctively Christian" approach developed by an international partnership of teachers from Australia, the UK and the USA. It is based on the premise that a Christian understanding of life makes a difference to what happens in classrooms. Its aim is to equip teachers to develop their distinctively Christian teaching and learning strategies for their own classrooms.

John Cox, More than caring and sharing: making a church school distinctive (kevin mayhew)

Margaret Williams, Local church, local school: practical and creative ways for churches to serve local primary schools (barnabas / brf)

Cooling, T., (1994) A Christian Vision for State Education, London: SPCK Publishing.

Deakin Crick, R., (2002) Transforming Visions: Managing Values in Schools, Middlesex University Press. 

Peterson, M. L., (1986) Philosophy of Education, Leicester:  InterVarsity Press.

1 comment:

  1. That could be a great idea. Christian education is a big opportunity most especially to children. Kudos!
