Monday, July 30, 2012

Jesus, the new and better Tabernacle

Some jottings for our Marquee Service:


Introduce OT reading

Marquee – tent - tabernacle

Ex 40

Sermon series there – year of Bible studies, symbolism – not today’s sermon!

Introduce NT reading

John 1:1-18

Jesus made his dwelling among us – pitched his tent among us, tabernacled among us

Jesus is the new and better tabernacle

(1)   God wants to meet with his people

He didn’t need to
God a happy and holy fellowship
He wasn’t lonely!
God overflows with love for the world
God acts and reveals himself and provides for us to know him

Need to be introduced to the Queen

(2)   God is on the move with his people, leading them to the Promised Land

God is always with us
Journey of life
The promised land of the New Creation not ancient Israel

(3)   If you want to meet with God, come to Jesus, the new and better tabernacle

Not Tabernacle, Temple, Jerusalem, Holy Land or church but Jesus
Jesus is with us here just as much in a tent on the green as in a 13th C building on a hill.
In Jesus the fullness of the deity dwells in bodily form
Jesus reveals the glory of God; Jesus is the glory of God
God’s glory is the shinning forth of his greatness
Jesus is the outgoing God, God to the rescue

(4)   Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice for sin, the new and better altar, sacrifice & priest

Jesus is our only ultimate unique high priest
Jesus is the only and all sufficient sacrifice for sins
The blood of sheep and ghosts…
Jesus God and man
Jesus the spotless lamb of God

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