Monday, May 28, 2012

Mrs Lloyd's 3 top marriage tips

I am about to see a wedding couple this evening. At supper I asked Mrs Lloyd for her 3 top marriage tips. They are:

(1) Talk (& listen!)

(2) Serve - be kind, helpful, considerate and thoughtful to one another

(3) Have a date night, ideally once a week, but less often if you have other things to do which would drive you to distraction on your date night!

P.S. date nights need not be at night! Any suggestions for a better name? "Dates" do sound rather as if they ought to take place in the United States of America

Oh, and Mrs Lloyd adds that it is good to pray together as a couple regularly, even once a day!

1 comment:

  1. Being able to talk your partner will help each build upon their relationships
