Monday, May 07, 2012

An Eccumenical Gag

Baptist preacher The Revd Stephen Gaukroger told this joke at Bible By The Beach today:

A Baptist preacher is preaching at the Baptist Assembly and celebrating being a Baptsit. He asks the members of the congregation to put up their hands if they're glad to be Baptists. Everyone raises their hand enthusiastically, except for a little old lady in the front row.

"Aren't you glad to be a Baptist?", the preacher asks her.

"Well, actually, I'm a member of the Church of England", the lady replies.

"Why?", the preacher asks.

"Well, my grandparents and my parents were Church of England", the lady replied.

The preacher challenged her: "If your grandparents and parents were idiots, what would that make you?"

"A baptist?", the lady replied.

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