Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reformed Icons

More from Robert Letham, Through Western Eyes (p160-1):

“There is a surprising area of agreement between the Reformed and the Orthodox. Reformed theology believes in icons too!... The whole idea of an image (eiko_n) is an obvious Biblical category – man made in the image of God. Christ as the image of the invisible God as the second Adam. However, it stretches beyond this. For the Reformed everything is iconic. God has imprinted evidence of his own beauty and glory throughout creation…. Ps 19:1-2…. Ps 8:9…. Rom 1:20. Every blade of grass, every tree and flower displays the glory of God. Every square inch belongs to Christ, the mediator of creation (Col 1:15-17; Heb 1:1-3). If icons are windows to draw us to God, opened books to lead us to heaven, so too is the entire order of creation – the beauty of the hills, the colours of the grass, sea and sky, the trees and plants, the changing of the seasons. See Barth, CD II/1, 650f.”

Similarly, Calvin, Commentary on the First Book of Moses Called Genesis, argument and on 1:31, Institutes 1:14:21  

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