Monday, March 26, 2012

Holy Communion: Where to look?

If you're thinking of coming to our Maundy Thurs Communion service, please look away now.

The sermon might go something like this:

Sometimes we don’t know where to look. Where should we look during Communion?

(1) Look up to God, to the risen Christ enthroned in heaven (joined to him by the Spirit)

(2) Look within: examine yourself and repent of your sins

(3) Look back, (a) on the previous week (with repentance, but also with thankfulness, offering God our work), above all (b) to Christ and esp. his death on the cross

(4) Look forward (a) to the coming week (God feeds us to sustain us for the coming week and renews his covenant with us, we recommit ourselves to his service and offer him ourselves), and (b) to Christ’s coming again, to the heavenly banquet, the Wedding Supper of the Lamb, of which this meal is a foretaste

(5) Look around and recognise the church, the Body of Christ, we celebrate our unity

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