Thursday, September 08, 2011

Parish Magazine Item for October

From the Rectory

As well as being Halloween, much more happily, 31st October is also Reformation Day. On 31st October 1517, the German monk and scholar, Martin Luther, nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg and sparked the Protestant Reformation. Europe, and indeed, the world would undergo a cultural and spiritual, not to say, political, revolution.

So what was the Reformation all about? Far more than Henry VIII’s desire for a divorce, though of course that helped it along in England. Theologians have summed up the essence of Reformed Theology in the following 5 slogans, all in Latin, of course, with which you can impress your friends when next the dinner-party conversation turns to 16th Century doctrine!

Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone. The Reformation was a great rediscovery of the Bible. It is the only ultimate God-given authority. The church and the Pope are subject to the Word of God. It was in this period that the Bible was becoming available in English and other vernacular languages and people could check up on what the Vicar had been preaching! When forbidden to translate the Bible into English, William Tyndale had famously said: “I defy the Pope and all his laws. If God spare my life, ‘ere many years I will cause a boy that drives the plough to know more of the Scripture, than he does!”

Sola Gratia – Grace Alone. We are saved by grace alone, that is, by the undeserved love of God. However many good works we might do, or however much penance, or however many Masses we might attend, or pay the clergy to say on our behalf, we can never earn or deserve God’s favour. The good news is we don’t have to: it’s a free gift.

Sola Fides – Faith Alone. We are justified (put right with God) by faith alone. It’s not possible to buy an indulgence to get your sins forgiven. You need simply to put your trust in Jesus.

Solo Christo – Christ Alone. The way to God is through Jesus. You don’t need a priest to be a mediator. And nor do you need Mary or the Saints to pray for you. You can go straight to the top, direct to Jesus!

Soli Deo Gloria – For The Glory of God Alone. God alone deserves the glory for our salvation. And all of life is to be enjoyed and lived to the glory of God. Thankfully, it’s not necessary to sign up to a monastery to really please God.

Why not give yourself the treat of reflecting on these riches of Reformed theology on 31st October?

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