Wednesday, June 01, 2011

On Morning Prayer

One of the many questions I have about life as a Vicar is the value and place of Morning Prayer.

Given that the clergy are required by the Canons to say Morning Prayer, should it be in the Parish Church, and should it be at a set time and advertised? Would anyone else come?

I've been saying Morning Prayer in the study, usually in the morning (!) and usually early on.

Today I left my seat in the study at 9:10am, I was in the Rector's stall at 9:18am, I read the liturgy and readings out loud in full and offered brief intercessions and was back in the study at 9:40am. That's about 15 mins of travel and about 15 mins of prayer. The prayers could easily have been longer, but equally some of the liturgy could be left out sometimes.

Is that a good use of my time, voice and petrol? Does using the Parish Church have symbolic importance? Should I toll a bell? Or is it just a bit silly, sentimental, romantic and wasteful to leave the warmth of the Rectory?

What time would be best? If you go for a set time in the Parish Church, should it be say 8am - 8:15am so that some local people might get to work afterwards? Should it be mid-morning, to attract the retired!? Would more people come if it were longer and more substantial?

Will it be too cold in the winter to use the Parish Church?

Here the pattern might go something like:

Monday - Warbleton Parish church

Tuesday - Dallington Parish church

Wednesday - Bodle Street Green Parish Church

Thursday - study - study day

Friday - day off

Saturday - Osbourne House / Little St Mary's, Rushlake Green

Thoughts most welcome.

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