Thursday, April 28, 2011

Song Choices

As well as fitting in with the season and the Bible passages, I sometimes have the following categories of songs in mind:

  • well known rousing hymns (especially for starting and finsihing the service)
  • 20th century songs - e.g. Graham Kendrick
  • songs as up to the minute as we can manage
  • children's songs
  • metrical versions of the psalms

Of course what is in our hymn books / serivce books is an influence. I reckon one extra song sheet per service is enough! A screen and Powerpoint would certainly help.

You might also want songs that perform certain liturgical functions of fit in certain parts of the service:

  • praise
  • thanksgiving
  • confession
  • creed
  • offering
  • preparation for Word of God or Communion
  • response
  • prayer
  • etc.

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