Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Broken Promises

Regarding Women Priests:

In the course of Parliamentary consideration of the legislation in 1993 Synod
representatives explained that the Synod had removed time limits in earlier
drafts so that ‘protection for incumbents and in particular parishes, should
remain in perpetuity for as long as anyone wanted it.’ In relation to the
proposed Act of Synod the then Archbishop of Canterbury said ‘it is our
intention for this to be permanent and we are not thinking of rescinding it.’

A House of Bishops’ paper, Bonds of Peace6, was issued in 1993 to explain
the proposal of the House that the special arrangements already agreed in the
legislation should be supplemented by those in the proposed Act of Synod. It
stated that ‘those who for a variety of reasons cannot conscientiously accept
that women may be ordained as priests will continue to hold a legitimate and
recognised place within the Church of England’.


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