Tuesday, March 08, 2011

An Order of Service for Ash Wednesday Communion

For a situation where the congregation will use copies of The Book of Common Prayer, but where you want to do lots of seasonal stuff:

Welcome & introduction (Common Worship: Times & Seasons, p223)

Scripture sentences (T&S, p220)

The Collect for Purity (BCP, p237)

“Let us pray for grace to keep Lent faithfully.”

The Collect for Ash Wednesday (BCP, p84)

Hymn 1: 156 Come Down, O Love Divine

The Litany (BCP, p30)

Reading (1): Isaiah 1:10-18

Reading (2): Luke 15:11-end


Creed (BCP, p240)

Hymn 2: 135 Rock of Ages, Cleft For Me

Invitation to Confession (T&S, p212)

Introduction to Confession & Confession (BCP, p251)

Ashes (T&S, p230)

Absolution (& ? Comfortable Words) (BCP, p252)

The Peace (T&S, p231)

Eucharist (BCP, p252ff) – Seasonal Preface (T&S, p232) omitting Gloria

The Lord’s Prayer in its traditional form (BCP, p257)

Prayer after Communion (T&S, p233)

Hymn 3: 212 He Who Would Valiant Be (offering?)

Reading from Matthew 6:16-18 and an exhortation to wash!

Seasonal Blessing (T&S, p235)

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