Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our Apostolic Ministry

Warning: if you are planning to attend church in Warbleton or Bodle Street Green Parish churches tomorrow, this post contains spoilers!

A prayer for before the sermon:

Our Father,

we pray that you would teach us your wisdom.

Reveal to us Christ’s glory, we pray,

that we might put our faith in him.


Some jottings / handout on the lectionary readings for tommorow:

Our Apostolic Ministry

Proclaim Christ Crucified: God’s Surprising Saving Power

1 Corinthians 1:18-31 & John 2:1-11

We all share in an apostolic ministry

What can we learn about apostolic ministry from these passages?

Apostolic ministry preaches Christ (1 Cor 1:23)

What do we want to be known for as a church?

--> Make much of Christ, make him known

Apostolic ministry preaches Christ crucified

God’s way of saving those who believe (1 Cor 1:21) from perishing (v18)

--> Keep Christ crucified central

An unattractive seemingly weak and foolish message (1 Cor 1:18, 22-24)

--> But don’t change the message!

The good news of Christ crucified is the saving power and wisdom of God (1 Cor 1:18, 24)

Jesus has great, unique, surprising transforming power – the power of God himself (1 Cor 1:25)

Jesus provides 760 bottles (Jn 2:6) of the best wine (Jn 2:10)

--> Have confidence in Jesus and his gospel (Jn 2:11)

God deliberately uses the weak and foolish to show his wisdom and power (1 Cor 1:19-21)

--> The “weak” should be encouraged

Jesus uses the servants (Jn 2:7-9)

Jesus can use even our weak “watery” efforts and transform them

--> Obey Jesus - “Do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:5) – even if it seems stupid

--> Complete dependence on Jesus – his wisdom and power not ours

--> The “proud” (wise, noble, influential, strong) need to be humble (1 Cor 1:19, 26-28)

--> Boasting only in the Lord (1 Cor 1:29, 31)

A prayer for after the sermon:

Our Father,

we thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ,

who has become for us wisdom from God,

our righteousness, holiness and redemption.

We pray that we might boast only in him.

Transform us, by Jesus’ great power,

that in our weakness,

we might live and speak in ways that powerfully proclaim Christ crucified,

for the glory of his name.


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