Saturday, October 30, 2010

What to say to the JWs?

Mrs Lloyd would like to know, please, with special reference to the doctrine of the Trinity and the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Bible verses are required.

"Please go away and never come back" is also being considered.

Jono has suggested that perhaps we should put them in the bin and take them to the dump. A guest suggested that perhaps they should be recycled, though not in a Buddhist way, of course.


  1. Anonymous10:28 am

    I'd go for apologetics as well as texts. The sort of 'you should really want God to be Triune/ Christ to be the incarnate Son' sort of a line. Similar to muslims - how can a divine monad 'be love' etc.? And show them how this cashes out in their system of works-righteousness as opposed to the lavish grace in Christ. Sort of thing.

    Going straight for texts is difficult without knowing which ones they change in their bibles (I know they change John 1 for example, but what do they do with Hebrews 1, Colossians 1, with John 8 (before Abraham ...), with plurality texts in the OT, and so on? You could ask to borrow one of their bibles and see what they say!

  2. Anonymous5:11 pm

    Gen 19:24 - to which Jehovah are you witnessing? The One in the heavens or the One on the earth!?

    I had an interesting time discussing 1 Cor 11:3 a few months back. If the missus is ontologically equal, then so is Jesus. If that came from Yvonne it might be even more powerful: "Are you saying I'm less of a human being than my husband???!"

  3. Thank you both v much.

    Mrs Lloyd is still awaiting her Bible study on the Trinity but I have at least pointed her to your tips.

    Will the JWs return b4 our move, I wonder?

    I am amazed we haven't been blacklisted. Maybe we are thought particularly open to conversion, actually, as we've had 3 or 4 Bible chats with them. We may = keen enquirers! :)

    Apparently if you say you are a Catholic they never come back, but that may not be true!
