Monday, October 04, 2010

Vision Statement

Vital or a big waste of time or possibly helpful in some ways? Discuss.


  1. Is it going to cause anyone to do anything differently to the way they would otherwise do it? If not, waste of time. If so, potentially useful.

    Our assistant pastor is currently basing this term's children's talks on our church's mission statement/aim/goal type thing: "To glorify God by calling and equipping people to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ". An excellent statement, to my mind.

  2. I'm keeping mine simple. Well, it's not an official vision statement, but it's what I'm telling people.

    To be a blessing to the nations by
    1. Being a great commission church.
    2. Being a great commandment church.

    This way no one can accuse me of putting my own agenda on the church!

    That said, Gerv is right. A vision statement (or at least some sort of accompanying 'strategy statement') needs to have a cutting edge - so that by it we can say 'yes' to some things and 'no' to others.
