Friday, October 01, 2010

New Christians Welcome

How do you make your church attractive to new Christians (and others) who move into the area? How does a small church encourage people to give it a try rather than driving to a larger church elsewhere?

Good noticeboards and clear, straightforward, useful information

An attractive website

Services at a regular convenient time

Obvious provision for children

Encourage people to contact the Vicar or members of the church for a chat if they are thinking of moving in to the area

Deliver a welcome pack to anyone who moves into the parish and invite them along. Offer them practical assistance in the early days.

Have coffee before or after church so that it is something of a social event too and there is more of a chance to get to know people

Make sure the church is at the hub of the community so that it is the best place to find out about life in the area and what's going on

Be friendly and welcoming to people when they come, but not too needy! Be ready to involve people, but perhaps don't leap on them to be on the flower and coffee rota on their first visit. Take an interest in people without being too nosey or pushy. Perhaps introduce people to others with whom they might get on / those in a similar life situation (e.g. have you met Tom - who is another elderly man who has just moved into the village from the North having retired from the fishing industry, just like you?).

Have good publicity / information leaflets available in church taylored to different types of people (e.g. What's on for young people at St Ethelburger's?)

Perhaps offer to follow up new comers with a visit etc.

Make sure the Sunday services are an excellent shop front / advert for the church. Make sure it is warm enough in church in the winter. Aim for people to want to come back for more.


  1. How do you make your church attractive to new Christians (and others) who move into the area?

    * Preach the Word faithfully
    * Love one another
    * Administer the sacraments


  2. Yes, of course, I was assuming all that!
