Wednesday, September 08, 2010

"They're just not ready for it!"

What would your attitude be if someone said someone else wasn't ready for studying a certain portion of God's Word?

I was pretty unconvinced. It's all God's Word and useful and we all need it all, and so on.

But on reflection, I think I'm a bit more sympathetic.

Imagine the Bible as rich, varried food. All of it is good and life-giving, and we need all of it, and a balanced diet. But some of it might be best for breakfast, lucnh, or dinner, or for a snack. Some may be a fine feast. Some is daily bread. We will naturally like some bits more than others. Some bits will be more or less nutritious, or appertising, or digestable. Some might neeed cutting up or mashing, or lots of chewing, or a good long stewing. Some bits will go together with other bits well, or be a nice change. Some might not taste good or upset us. Some bits might be an acquired taste. Some of us will suffer from defficiencies which mean that certain portions would be best for us. We must eat our greens too and not just have suasages for every meal or over-eat on pudding. And so on.

We don't all have to be able to eat everything in one go.


  1. The problem is, some people just won't eat their vegetables (whether that be Romans 9, imprecatory Psalms or the prophets).

  2. Yes, I agree. But perhaps I wouldn't make them have veg for breakast and I'm might make sure they'd enjoyed some bread before I start them on brussel sprouts, and they need to know pudding is coming!

  3. Isn't there a bit of what you say in Hebrews 5:11-14?

  4. Indeed with Hebrews, and yet look at what he then gives them to eat in 7-10, wonderfully nourishing and chewy Melchizedekian priesthood of Christ!
