Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Resources on Mark's Gospel

God-willing we'll be having Bible studies and talks from Mark's Gospel this year on our camp for 11-14 year olds (Danehill 1). Here are some resources I'm thinking of recommending to our leaders. Are any of these rubbish? Is there anything else you'd recommend?

Paul Barnett, The Servant King: Reading Mark Today (Aquila)

Peter Bolt and Tony Payne, Mark: News of the Hour Ten Interactive Studies for small groups and individuals (Matthias Media)

Tim Chester, Mark 1-8: The Coming King The Good Book Guide to Mark 1-8 Ten Studies for individuals or groups (Good Book Company)

Tim Chester, Mark 9-16: The Servant King The Good Book Guide to Mark 1-8 Ten Studies for individuals or groups (Good Book Company)

R. Alan Cole, Mark Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (IVP)

Phil Crowter, Preaching Mark: Talk Outlines For The Gospel of Mark (Good Book Company)

Dick France, Mark: The People’s Bible Commentary (Bible Reading Fellowship) – he also wrote the big fat New International Greek Testament Commentary on Mark as R. T. France (Eerdmans / Paternoster)

William L. Lane, The Gospel of Mark: The New International Commentary on the New Testament (Eerdmans) – fat

Tom Wright, Mark For Everyone (SPCK)

Christianity Explored and CY (youth version) material are also (largely) based on Mark’s Gospel (Good Book Company)

See also:


  1. Morna Hooker's Mark commentary is very insightful, if handled with care!

    There's also a really wacky one by a guy called van Irsel:

  2. Thank you, Samuel. Yes, I have used it with profit. Rather liberal, of course.

  3. Ah, sorry, that's the Hooker one I meant. Don't think I've come across the other.

  4. I don't know whether The Victory According To Mark, Mark Horne is any good.

  5. Anonymous7:38 pm

    Justin Mote's Read, Mark, Learn stuff on Mark was really excellent if I remember. Chiasms and stuff all over the place, brilliant stuff.

    At one point you could get a hold of the manual for it (big yellow photocopied thing if I remember correctly) from St Helens - maybe you still can.
