Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Preaching the Psalms

Today I'm running a session at the Sussex Coast Ministry Training Course for my little preaching group to tee up our term's work on preaching the Psalms. I've grandly entitled my jottings:


Here's my handout:

All the usual things to think about when preaching / speaking plus:

The 5 books of the Psalter – cf. 5 books of the Law – significance?

The Context of the Psalms

- original historical context – how important? the importance of the superscriptions (original) – sometimes unknown - speculation

- original / early use of Psalms e.g. in gathered corporate worship, Psalms of Ascents pilgrim festivals

- in a cycle / group of Psalms, the book of Psalms, in Psalms as a whole – e.g. Ps 1 & 2, 42 & 43

- in the Bible / salvation history – the Psalms as a Christian book

Content & form (e.g. acrostics, parallelisms – synonymous, synthetic, antithetical etc.)

The form / genre / types / use of the Psalms – songs / prayers / laments / imprecatory, Royal etc. didactic?

What do we miss by not knowing Hebrew? – word play / sounds, alliteration, ascenance - translations

Reading poetry (English & Hebrew!): What images / poetic devices are used / how / why?

The mood, feel, emotions, intended effects / response of the Psalm

“Levels” of meaning / application of the Psalms:

- The psalmist – how “unique” or typical?

- the historical speaker of the Psalm

- David(ic) King

- Jesus, the Messiah, the ultimate Davidic King

- All believers (in Christ)

- Us / me

Jesus praying / saying / singing this Psalm / singing or saying it to Jesus

The use of the Psalms today

- private study / meditation / reflection / prayer / singing

- family devotions, small groups etc.

- public – neglected? Eph 5:19; Col 3:16 – for teaching

- sung, said, prayed etc.

How will you have the Psalm read / sung / prayed?

Resources on the Psalms

Derek Kindner, Tyndale Commentary (2 vols)

J. Clinton McCann Jr., A Theological Introduction to the Psalms: The Psalms as Torah (instruction) (Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1993)

G. Grogan, Prayer, Praise & Prophecy: A Theology of the Psalms (Christian Focus, 2001)

Tremper Longman III, How To Read the Psalms (IVP, 1988)

Alec Motyer, Journey: Psalms for Pilgrim People (IVP, 2009) – Psalms of Ascent - Ps 120-136

Charles H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David – hints for preachers etc. (3 vols)

Michael Wilcock, The Message of the Psalms, Bible Speaks Today Series (2 vols)

Gerald H. Wilson, The NIV Application Commentary (vol 1) – Psalms 1-72

Sermons & other stuff online:

Mike Reeves on Psalm 1 & introductory comments on Psalms on All Souls, Langham Place website: http://www.allsouls.org/ascm/allsouls/static/sermons/showsermon.flow?id=10800

John Cheeseman recent sermons on a selection of Psalms - http://www.holytrinityeastbourne.org.uk/sermons.php

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