Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Rev'd Prof James I. Packer:

Historically, the influence of the English Puritans extended over a century and a half, approximately 1560 - 1710. Publicly and politically they campaigned for many reforms in church and state, and ended up losing every battle they fought. During that time, however, by preaching, teaching, personal lifestyle and patience under persecution, they crystalized and communicated a glorious ideal of heart-holiness expressed in conscientious, well-ordered, doxological behavior - the authentic biblical ideal of a godly life, which in due course became basic to the Great Awakening and to Britain's Evangelical Revival. Clear-headed about biblical authority, justification by faith, and the covenantal framework of God's grace, they were equally clear on the realities of the Christian life - communion with the triune God, biblical morality, and the pilgrim perspective. In spiritually decadent days like ours they can help us to recover the wisdom and power of this ideal, as we all surely need to do.

Foreword to Day By Day with the English Puritans: Selected Readings for Daily Reflection compiled and edited by Randall J. Pederson (Hendrickson, 2004) - which the Vicar kindly gave me for Christmas. The Puritans may not have approved, of course! :)

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