Thursday, February 18, 2010

Did Jesus die for the doggy, Daddy?

The boy knows that Jesus loves him and died for him because he is sometimes naughty. He knows that Jesus loves Mummy and Daddy and died for them because they are sometimes naughty. He knows that the dog is often naughty. So he would like to know if Jesus died for the dog?

P.S. The dog has not been baptised and is not making a credible profession of faith. We believe in Limited Atonement / Particular Redemption / Effectual Salvation around 'ere.


  1. Well, when Adam disobeyed God, he brought all of creation under a curse with him. When Jesus died to save sinners, he saves not only people but the whole world. That's why when Jesus returns, the whole world will be remade.

    Jesus told us that the Father loves and cares even for sparrows (Luke 12). You can be sure that God cares for doggy.

    I think I'd say something like that.

  2. Yes, thank you, Paul.

    All creation being renewed etc.

    And as Caleb the dog belongs to a covenant household...

  3. Mrs Lloyd and I think that Caleb the dog does show a kind of repentance: a sense of right and wrong, guilt, remorse, desire to be restored / forgiven etc. His record of moral reformation is poor. But is this evangelical repentannce?

    Esther the cat shows no signs of morals what so ever!

  4. Cats are like the angels who lost their first estate. Dogs can be redeemed.

  5. :)

    Mrs Lloyd will probably want to champion the cause of the cat.

    If Esther the cat were saved, it would be a wonderful demonstration that salvation is all of grace.
