Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Lord's Prayer in Ps

Privilege or maybe something to do with Paternity! - "Our Father in heaven"

Priorities - "hallowed be your name, your kingdom come"

Provision please - "give us today our daily bread"

Pardon & pardoning - "forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us"

Protection - "lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil"

Praise / Perpetual Power - "for yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen."

Maybe from the context one could also talk about Pagan prattling prayer, Pharisaical posing prayer and Private prayer. The Lord's Prayer is a pattern prayer.

Other suggestions?

This can all get a bit silly, of course, but thanks to JR @ IME for getting us going on this!

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