Thursday, January 21, 2010

How can a loving God allow suffering (& Haiti)?

Here are some jottings I prepared for our mid-week meeting:

We had lots of fun discussion - e.g. does God (the Father) Suffer?!

How Can a Loving God Allow Suffering?

Towards a Christian Response to the Haiti Earthquake

The so-called “problem of evil”:

How can an all-powerful loving God allow suffering?

Responses: (1) Question God’s love: perhaps he doesn’t care?

and / or

(2) Question God’s power: perhaps he can’t do anything about it?

A very common objection to the Christian faith (1 Pt 3:15)

God’s love

God’s power / sovereignty – Am 3:6

(The “problem” implies that God is morally obliged to prevent suffering like this if he can)

God must have a good (morally sufficient) reason for (allowing) suffering; even if we can’t understand it completely we have good grounds for trusting him

The big picture of the Bible:


God made a good world – suffering is not God’s “original” / prime intention


Human beings are responsible for rebelling against God

Building on fault lines, corrupt building practices, looting, gunfire, military protection required, wrong decisions, disagreements, failure to help

God’s curse on the created order (Gen 3:17)

The groaning of creation (Rm 8:22)


We all deserve hell


God cares about suffering and acts to save us from it

Jesus has suffered terribly – sympathises – Heb 4:15

God uses suffering for good


Death has lost its sting – 1 Cor 15:55-56 – death the gateway to glory for the believer

Final Judgement

God will punish all wrong doing

Suffering is a warning of the judgement to come. C. S. Lewis: “Suffering is God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf world” – Luke 13:1-5

Suffering teaches us the terrible seriousness of sin

New Creation

God will put the world to rights, put an end to suffering – Rev 21:4

God uses suffering in the life of the Christian for good as discipline – Heb 12:6, 10 – perseverance, character – Rm 5:3-4; James 1:3

Some suffering reveals God’s character – e.g. wrath – Rm 1:18ff; 9:22-24

Suffering is not necessarily directly connected to individual sin – Jn 9:1-2


Disasters Emergency Committee - - Call 0370 60 60 900

Charities working in Haiti listed by Desiring God Ministries -


John Piper on the Tsunami -

Don A. Carson, How Long, O Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil (IVP / Baker, 1990)

Roger Carswell, Why Me? The Problem of Suffering (Authentic Media, 1993)

Paul Williams and Barry Cooper, If You Could Ask God One Question (Christianity Explored / The Good Book Company, 2007) chapter 10 “Why Do You Allow Suffering?”

John Dickson, If I Were God – I’d End All The Pain: Struggling With Evil, Suffering and Faith (Matthias Media / Good Book Company)

References to earthquakes: 1 Ki. 19:11f; Isa. 29:6; Ezek. 38:19; Amos 1:1; Zech. 14:5; Matt. 27:54; 28:2; Acts 16:26; Rev. 6:12; 8:5; 11:13, 19; 16:18 Matt. 24:7; Mk. 13:8; Lk. 21:11

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