Monday, December 28, 2009

Get a project

I've commented before on "the power of an hour", that is, what could be achieved if you spent an hour (or indeed 20 mins) a day six days a week on something. For example, you could soon read the works of John Owen or B B Warfield and you would be one of the most educated theologians on the planet. You could become a world expert on something if you kept at it and you did it in a sensible way.

So you may be looking for a project?

I reckon a good one would be to work through the Psalms taking a Psalm a week. How could this Psalm be used in public worship, family worship or personal devotions? How might it provide a call to worship, an invitation to confession, a confession, an absolution, praise, prayers of different sorts, blessings or other liturgical material? What prayers and songs have been or could be based on this Psalm? The resulting work would be a tremendous resource and if you start work on it I'd like to pre-order a copy.

I'm already supposedly working on a PhD on something else (yawn, guilt etc.) and Mrs Lloyd is very well advanced on a child's patchwork quilt.

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