Friday, October 09, 2009

An Evening of Eschatology

You can hear & watch Sam Storms, Jim Hamilton and Doug Wilson discussing the Millenium with John Piper here. They spend quite a bit of time in Rev 20.

Some of my favourite lines were:

Two ministers were talking and one said to the other: “we both serve God, you in your way and mine in his!”

The Millenium, a thousand years of peace that Christians love to fight about!

Not “earth is not my home, I’m just passing through” but “heaven is not my home, I’m just passing through” – heaven is an intermediate state between death and the Final Resurrection consummation of all things.

There are 2 main arguments for postmillennialism: (1) it is a lot of fun (2) Jonathan Edwards believed it

(HT: Dan Green)

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