Sunday, September 20, 2009

To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.

Some jottings towards my sermon tonight on John 6:60-71.

John 6:68.

To whom else could we possibly go?

Who could be better than Jesus?

What are the alternatives?

How could you ever upgrade from Jesus?

What does the world really have to offer that is ultimately meaningful or lastingly satisfying?

In Jesus alone are free and full forgiveness, friendship with God, peace that the world cannot give or take away, sure hope, purpose, meaning, destiny, truth, indestructible life, security.

If Jesus is a spiritual Rolls Royce, why would you trade him in for a beaten up old Fiat Punto?

No one ever taught with the authority and insight of this man.

No one ever did the miracles that he was doing.

No one ever showed self-sacrificial love like this man.

No one ever rose from the dead as this man did.

Peter understood that no one comes to the Father except through Jesus (Jn 14:6)

Later, Peter would say of Jesus “Salvation is found in no-one else for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

In Jesus are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3). The riches of Christ are inexhaustible and sufficient for all.

Jesus really is the only show in town.

Everything else is spiritual junk food – Jesus is the bread of life

Everything else is a leaky bucket, whereas Jesus gives us a fountain of living water within us (Jn 4; 7:37-38)

We are constantly bombarded by words

There is a cacophony of voices

If the internet is to be believed, we speak about 7000 words a day and we hear about 50 000 words a day.

Wave after wave of words rushes upon us. There’s a great sea of words.

Words pour forth from our TVs and radios, online, from the printing presses.

They shout at us from signs and posters.

Words are everywhere.

Many of those words are wrong or manipulative or pointless - lies or frivolous nonsense.

Jesus alone speaks the words of eternal life

Not Buddha or Mohamed.

Not the self-help or pop-psychology books in W H Smiths – not pseudo-philosophy

Not the New Atheists like Richard Dawkins – theirs is a bleak world-view with no life to offer

Jesus’ voice is uniquely one of truth, authority, power, life.

We must go to Jesus!

We must listen to and believe his words – even the hard words.

Go to the Scriptures often.

Come to church to hear the Words of Jesus

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