Saturday, September 05, 2009

Pink on "Do not steal"

Jottings from Arthur W. Pink Ten Commandments (Sovereign Grace Publishers, 2003) on the 8th Commandment:

The first sin
The 1st human sin was a theft: Adam and Eve took the forbidden fruit
The 1st sin in the promised land was a theft as Achan stole from among the spoils (Josh 7:21)

The 1st sin in the primitive church was a theft as Ananias and Sapphira kept back part of the price (Acts 5:2) (p47) [though their crime is more the lie than the theft?]

The crime of Arminianism!

“God is robbed when we withhold from Him the glory which is His due, and we are spiritual thieves when we arrogate to ourselves the honor and praise which belong to Him alone. Arminians are great offenders here, by ascribing to free will what is produced by free grace.” (p47)

Idleness, extravagance and waste can be types of theft

Robbing God of the Sabbath

Lying adverts are a breach of this command


  1. Ok, I admit, when I saw Pink I thought of the singer...

  2. Eh? I'm afraid I feel very out of touch now! :)

  3. I'll ask the wife to fill me in.
