Sunday, September 06, 2009

Me on "Do not steal"

With due acknowledgments to those mentioned in previous blog posts, here are some jottings on the 8th commandment which might have been on a handout had I provided one.

An audio recording of the sermon I preached this morning should appear on our church website in due course.

10 commandments: duties to God then duties to others

Respect others’ lives (6th commandment), marriages (7th), property (8th)

Stealing – taking what belongs to someone else without right or permission

Stealing often born of coveting (10th commandment) and virtually impossible without lying (9th)

8th commandment: actions; 9th: words; 10th: thoughts

Stealing widespread, serious, costly

God is the ultimate ruler and owner of all thing by creation (Ex 19:5; Ps 24:1; 50:10)

Christians belong to God by redemption (1 Cor 6:19f)

All stealing is a sin against God (Eden)

Stealing God’s honour and glory

Making a god / idol of money or possessions (Lk 16:13)

God has assigned property rights (Gen 1:28-30

Ps 115:16) – wise loving dominion under God

All “ownership” is really stewardship, a trust

Types of stealing:

At work (Col 3:22), expenses, tax return (Mt 22:17-22; Rm 13:6-7)

Dishonest selling or services – a stealing mentality, take if I can

Piracy of music / videos / illegal file sharing

Delayed payment or unpaid debt (Rm 13:8)

Permanent “borrowing”

Idleness, waste or avoidable dependency (2 Thess 3:10)

Cheating in an exam – stealing marks

Stealing someone’s spouse, reputation, dignity

Failure to give to God’s work (Mal 3:8)

Antidotes / positive counterparts to stealing:

Honest hard work (Eph 4:28; 1 Thess 4:11-12)

Living within our means and saving (Prov 13:22)

Trust in God who is a wise, able, generous giver (Mt 6)

Family (1 Tim 5:8) and church family (Gal 6:10)

Generous cheerful proportionate giving & sharing (also of time, effort, hospitality) (2 Cor 9:7-8)

Restitution – make amends (Ex 22:1; Num 5:7; Lk 19:8)

Salvation for the thief (Lk 19:9; 23:39-43)

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