Wednesday, September 16, 2009

John Owen Centre Calvin Conference

Over at Heavenly Worldliness Rev'd Gary Brady (who seemed a nice chap, had a sense of humour and so on and also happens to be from God's Own Country) has blogged some jottings from the excellent Calvin conference (see "JOC Calvin 01" etc. and some other little goodies) I attended on Monday and Tuesday, so that's saved me a job and given a bit more time for sermon prep.! :)

The papers were:

Calvin the Revolutionary: Christian living in a fallen world (Joel Beeke)

Calvin’s Way of Doing Theology: Exploring the Institutes (Tony Lane)

Calvin and Union with Christ: The Heart of Christian Doctrine (Paul Wells)

Lloyd-Jones Memorial Lecture: Calvin the Man: A Heart Aflame (Sinclair Ferguson)

Calvin the Reformer (Ian Hamilton)

Calvin and Christian Experience: The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Christian (Sinclair Ferguson)

Calvin and Preaching: The Power of the Word (Joel Beeke)

CDs are available from the John Owen Centre, I believe.

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