Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Imputation of Adam's Sin

When I was at Oak Hill I took a class reading some Augustine for which I did some work comparing the position of Augustine and John Murray on issues concerning original sin and the nature of our union with Adam: how did we sin in Adam?

Had I known about them at the time, I would have added these to my bibliography (which Mathison mentions, Given For You, p147, n59).

George P. Hutchinson, The Problem of Original Sin in American Presbyterian Theology (Nutley, NJ, P & R, 1972) which includes discussion of Archibald Alexander & Charles Hodge, the realistic view of William G. T. Shedd, Samuel Bird and James H. Thornwell; and Robert Dabney and John Murray.

Mark Horne has written on “Real Union or Legal Fiction? John Williamson Nevin’s Controversy with Charles Hodge over the Imputation of Adam’s Sin (with a Comparison to Robert L. Dabney)” 1997, which won the Aiken Taylor Church History Award of the Presbyterian Church in America..

From the original Bibliography:

Augustine, The Problem of Free Choice translated and annotated by Pontifex, Mark (New York, Newman Press)

Murray, John, The Imputation of Adam’s Sin (Phillipsburg, P&R, 1959)

Shedd, William G. T., Dogmatic Theology, volume 2

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