Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lord's Prayer Resources

Among the no doubt many excellent studies on The Lord's Prayer are:

Richard Coekin, Our Father: Enjoying God in Prayer (IVP)

Peter Lewis, The Lord’s Prayer: The Greatest Prayer in the World (Paternoster)

Gerald Bray, Yours is the Kingdom: A Systematic Theology of the Lord’s Prayer (IVP)

Derek Prime, The Lord’s Prayer for Today (Day One)

Tom Wright, The Lord and His Prayer (Triangle / SPCK)

Peter Masters, The Lord’s Pattern for Prayer (Wakeman Trust)

Thomas Watson, The Lord’s Prayer (Banner of Truth)

J John, God’s Priorities: Living the Lord’s Prayer in the 21st Century (Kingsway) Your Kingdom Come Study Guide

I haven't used them all, by the way!

Lots of people will have preached on it so you'll find lots of free sermons on the interweb. I had a go myself - 4 sermons (Aug - Nov 08) available on our church website sermons page.

And check out books on the Sermon on the Mount (e.g. Stott, BST) and Commentaries on Matthew and Luke, of course.

See also Calvin's exposition of the Lord's Prayer in Institutes of the Christian Religion Book 3 chapter 20 parts 34-49, Ford-Battles edition vol 2 pp897-917

Anything else you'd recommend?


  1. Matthew Henry has done a fine exposition of the Lord's Prayer. As I couldn't remember where I'd come across it, a quick google gave me this:

  2. Thanks for the tip, John.
