Monday, August 10, 2009

Charles Simeon

A quick look on My Library Thing suggests that I don't own a single thing by or about Charles Simeon, the great Anglican clergyman, preacher and encourager of preachers. Where would you start? Can you recommend a light, colourful biography?


  1. There's a super little Grove Booklet called something like 'Charles Simeon, Preacher Extraordinary'.

  2. Thank you, I might give it a try sometime.

  3. Josh Thorp1:22 pm

    I read a short biography of him by Handley Moule a couple of years ago, it was good. Also amazon tells me he is in one of john Piper's 'Roots of Endurance' biography series. Haven't read it, but I guess it's good!

  4. Thank you, Josh. I've enjoyed the Piper biography sketches I've read. V readable and applied.
