Friday, June 12, 2009

Sharnford Farm

The Lloyd family highly recommend a trip to Sharnford farm in Eastbourne.

It's free to wander round and we saw chickens, ducks, cows, donkeys, goats, pigs, ponies, lambs and a dog and a rabbit. There's a little kiddies play area. Jono very much enjoyed "driving" the tractor and there are a couple of lakes in which one can fish for a small fee.

The place is mainly a fruit farm where you can pick your own, but that sounds a bit like hard work to me.

Service in the coffee shop was friendly and helpful and the prices were reasonable. I very much enjoyed my tea and warm cheese scone, although I can't imagine Weight Watchers would approve (11/29 points for the day blown, I reckon). I chose that as the healthy option against sponge cake with cream and fruit.

In the shop we grabbed some salt beef for lunch, some frozen breaded mushrooms, curried fruit relish and fig relish. There was an interesting selection of frozen fruit and veg as well as a butchers and some baked stuff.

Shame dogs are only allowed in the car park!

There must be worse ways to spend an hour or two.


  1. Are you doing Weight Watchers, Marc? How is that going? Will I recognise you when I see you?

  2. Yes, online. I've been at it nearly 3 weeks and have lost 8lbs so far in my 2 weigh-ins.

    They tell you you should eat their points and loose 2lbs a week, which seems rather slow to me.

    I've generally eaten quite a lot less than they suggest, but I'm not sure we're always totally accurate with things. For example, are my self-cut slices of bread thicker than they might be? I haven't been measuring out butter substitute etc.

    Have been pretty hungry much of the time but it seems you could eat mountains of some stuff and still shed the lbs according to them - just not nice stuff! Boiled potatos and green beans are considered good, cheese, toast and marmalade are bad.

    Haven't had a drop of booze since I began.

    A few long dog walks too. Even wondering about dusting off the bike. Probably wont!

    I have a bet with my mother that if I can comfortably get into a 36 inch pair of trousers she's going to give up smoking!

    I do need a shave too so that might help the disguise.
