Thursday, June 04, 2009

Sacraments in the Law

Here's another slice of Zachman on Calvin:

The covenant with Abraham, and the renewal of that covenant in the Law of Moses, is confirmed by many visible signs and symbols, which confirm the faithful in the divine origin and truth of the covenant, especially in times of trial. Calvin understood some of these forms of visual confirmation, such as visions and miracles, in an explicitly sacramental way, though all forms exhibit the mutal relation of sign and word that Clavin takes to be essential to any living icon of God. The word is the soul animating the visual representation, even as the visual representation gives force, clarity and vividness to the word. Both image and word confirm that the Law is indeed the self-manifestation of God to the Israelites. However, the Law also contains within itself images, symbols and types of the Christ who is yet to come. (p163)

Image and Word in the Theology of John Calvin

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