Friday, June 05, 2009

Introducing the 10 Words

D.V. I will give a talk each day on camp to the leaders on one of the 10 commandments. At our training day tommorow I plan to give an introduction to the 10 words. Here are some jottings:

The 10 Commandments (0): Introduction

Ex 20 & Dt 5

Vital & foundational importance - The special status of the 10 words (Ex 31:18; 40:20) as the Constitution of Israel

Neglected, controversial & misunderstood

Our attitudes to “Law” cf. God’s fatherly wisdom

Fulfilled not abolished – not under Law? In what sense?

Dangers of irrelevance, “spiritualisation”, “legalism”

What the 10 Words can do for us: (1) reveal God’s standards (2) reveal our sin (2) reveal the Saviour etc.

Christ and the Commandments: he fulfilled them, his law…

Specific & broad applications – perspectives – all & one

V1: God’s authoritative words not 10 helpful suggestions

V2: In the context of personal covenant relationship

They are already God’s redeemed people they do not become God’s people by keeping the commandments

Salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone supremely according to God’s Word alone

Good works necessary for salvation?

Obedience is a grateful response to the grace of salvation

These commandments as promise – you shall not

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