Thursday, June 04, 2009

Holy What?

I just heard President Obama and the presenter on Radio 4's World at One refer to the "Holy" Koran. Obama also spoke of the "Holy Bible" but in what sense does he think the Koran is holy? He also spoke of Islam being revealed. Isn't he supposed to be a Christian?

Also, it turns out the University has a Professor of Islamic Studies. Perhaps it should have a Professor of Christian Studies. Or Professors of Christian Mathematics, Music, English and so on. Or perhaps the very idea of a University is a Christian vision for the integration of all knowledge, in its various branches, under the authority of Christ. Is Oxford no longer a Christian institution in which "God is my light", I wonder? Perhaps we need Christian Universities once again.


  1. Quite right. And schools. If we want the church to have strong leaders for the future, in politics, business, etc. there's one pretty much foolproof option: bring up our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

  2. I like your assumption that we will all recognise 'the University' as Oxford. Over here in Tab-land they seem to think they have an educational institution as well, but I haven't noticed it.

  3. Paul, I very much agree.

    Ros, yes, Oxford = the University; both Universities = Oxford and the other one, Fenland Poly.
