Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Eternal Life

Revd Dr Alistair McGrath writes:

Eternal doesn't mean throughout all time; it means outside time. "Eternal life" means life with God, outside the confines of space and time. As it is virtually impossible for us to conceive what it must be like to live outside space and time, it is understandably difficult to think about eternal life. However, the main point is this: eternal life means that our present relationship with God is not destroyed or thwarted by death, but is continued and deepended by it."

I Believe: Exploring the Apostles' Creed / Affirming the Faith (IVP, 1991 / 1997) p104

Now, sure, God is eternal and not limited by time or space. He has all his life at once and all things are present to him.

But we're not destined to be timeless or spaceless in "eternity".

God's eternality is an incomunicable attribute.

We can expect a sucession of moments and a happy stroll in the New Creation. There'll be plenty of time and space to enjoy it all.

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