Thursday, June 25, 2009

EMA today

Had an excellent time at EMA today. So glad I went at the last min. Caught up with many lovely friends. Smiled across the room at people. Good singing. Encouraged and helped.

Excellent dense exposition, exegesis and application from the Psalms by Revd David Jackman. I may steal that sermon myself!

Revd Prof Don Carson very good on 5 Biblical polarities about prayer. Illuminating interview. Many personal applications from Prof Don's life. Witty. Good old Don's dad The Ordinary Pastor.

Revd Dr John Dickson a revelation: learned and right about evangelism: how and when to speak about Jesus. Not just an author of great books for teenagers! A bit mixed up on prophecy in the NT church.

Hopefully I'll post some headings in due course. I think you'll be able to listen online and order talks in time.

No time to look at the bookstall. New ed. of Valley of Vision Puritan Prayers is a must buy. New Word Alive sounds great. Some info on Passion for Life I missed while having soup and soggy bread roll for lunch.

Good journey back with the Vicar. Needed drugs when I got in - face very swollen and painful. Sadly couldn't eat the very promising Millionaire Shortbread!

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