Thursday, June 25, 2009

David Jackman on Ps 86 at EMA

A prayer under pressure.

How to lay hold of God at times of personal need.

Key verse: v11 - pivot, chief request: "unite my heart" - a single focus / direction / control-centre / goal / concentration, God is one, the unique authority, only God can engage all our powers and capacities

Distinguish petulance and perplexity. Take both to God.

Word affects walk (way) and worship

vv1-7: A cry for help

We are needy but not unworthy since depending on God's faithfulness and character not our merit we live with faithful covenant loyalty.

Some Christians have a joy so deep they have difficulty ever allowing it to surface!

vv8-13: A celebration of faith

vv14-17: An application of the remedy

Not just grit your teeth and get on with it but grit your teeth and go to the Lord with it.

With our self-confidence we are like a mad-man with a knife. The more we grasp it the more it hurts us. We need to drop it and look to the Lord (Spurgeon).

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