Friday, June 05, 2009

Camp Training Day

Someone asked me the other day what we do on our camp training day. I imagine its pretty standard but for what its worth, here's our plan (some names have been removed to protect the innocent; sorry about some of the ugly formatting):

What do you do at yours?

10am Arrivals, Name labels (Marc Lloyd) & Coffee etc. (JC)

10:15am Welcome, opening prayer, introductions, notices, apologies etc. (Marc Lloyd)

10:30am Bible teaching and prayer (Marc Lloyd)

11am Our aims, vision, ethos, values, ways of working etc. (Marc Lloyd)

11:15am Coffee break (JC)

11:30am A typical year, week, day (ZS)
Training day, camp, follow-up, reunion, next year – all essential

11:45am Making the most of our spy theme (HW)

Word association game for “spies” etc.
Costumes, props, music, activities, names, games etc.

12pm How to lead a Colossians dorm Bible study (HW)

With distribution of Bible Study preparation assistance notes

12:30pm Personal work and the Two Ways to Live gospel outline (KMacD)

With distribution of Two Ways to Live booklet (Marc Lloyd).

1pm Lunch (JC)

1:45pm Making the most of dorm time (JT)

2:15pm Working with 11-14 year olds: what makes Pathfinders tick? (DR)

2:45pm A word from the treasurer (Mrs Lloyd)

With distribution of expenses claim forms and donation forms

3pm Afternoon tea break (JC)

3:15pm Time in dorm groups (led by overall dorm leaders)

Get to know one another

Allocate Dorm Bible studies

Discuss Dorm time

Look at members’ forms

Pray for one another and individual members

3:45pm Child protection (JC)

4pm Admin: Any changes to the camp handbook? (Marc Lloyd & those responsible for particular areas or jobs)

Maybe a word about food on camp and the kitchen (JC)


First aid

Who is bringing a car and how many Pathfinders could you take in it?

Minibus drivers?

Who can bring what to camp? (e.g. laptop, PowerPoint data projector, sports equipment)

Who can play an instrument / sing?

What other stuff could you help with?

4:30pm Time in “teams” / sorting stuff out with individuals / groups (led by those responsible for those things)

Q’s workshop - arts and crafts (HL)

Music (DM)

Onsite activities

Speakers to chat with Marc

5pm Any questions, any other business? (Marc Lloyd)

5:15pm Prayer time (Marc Lloyd)

5:30pm You are free to go if you need to!

Evening Meal – hopefully a barbeque (JC)

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