Friday, May 01, 2009

Church Cancelled Due to Swine Flu

If the government advising avoiding large public meetings due to swine flu, will you be cancelling church meetings?

The Urban Pastor, Rev'd Richard Perkins, has some thoughts from Rev'd Dr Andrew Nicholls (a former GP) on how churches can make the most of swine flu.


  1. I'm not sure that it's quite suggesting churches should be profiteering on the back of the pandemic as your link would indicate.

  2. I didn't mean to imply that - just that he suggests how we might make the most of it as a great opportunity to serve!

  3. ros, profiteering! moi? as marc has suggested - all i meant to suggest is that here we have a terrific opportunity to serve our local communities, as a church, and demonstrate the love of Christ in practial ways
    i think it's Rodney Stark who in his book Cities of God talks about the powerfully apologetic effect that the Church had during the early plagues by remaining in the cities and helping
    wouldn't it be great if the Lord decided to use us in the same way through this pandemic?
