Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thinking of moving

I'm thinking of moving this blog from Blogger to

Any thoughts / tips?

Have you made the switch?

How do you find WordPress.Com?


  1. Wordpress is superior, IMHO. Better dashboard and controls. Looks nicer. Definitely an upgrade. The big question is whether you can be bothered...

  2. I agree, is better. I haven't tried doing the importing thing, but I think it's not that hard if you wanted to put all your old posts over there too. You'll suffer some loss of traffic initially but it should pick up again reasonably quickly. And has the best support forum I've ever come across on the internet.

    There are some negatives: won't let you install some fun widgets that use javascript or flash. There are inbuilt versions of standard widgets and you can add anything that comes with just standard html. Also, you can't have your own paying ads ( runs its own ads on the blogs, only visible if you're not logged in and not always even then).
