Friday, April 10, 2009

Sabbath in the New Creation?

Frame suggests:

… it is likely that Sabbath observance will still be a norm for human beings even in the eternal state following the last judgment, for it is given to man as man. In that eternal state, it will celebrate continuing works of God and provide a weekly opportunity for man to consecrate to God the fruit of his labors.

In the footnote he adds:

… there seems to be no reason why the Sabbath should not continue. Most likely there will still be work for human beings to do, in finite (though glorified) bodies that continue to need rest. And I see no reason why worship in the new heavens and the new earth should not have a weekly rhythm as it does today. The Sabbath in the eternal state would also be a reminder that God’s work and man’s have a structure and meaning, whereby everything that happens is periodically consecrated to God’s glory.

The Doctrine of the Christian Life (P&R, 2008) p533

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