Friday, April 24, 2009

Lighten up your church

I must admit that I was skeptical about our recent church lighting project. I could see well enough and it cost an awful lot of money that I thought perhaps could be used better for preaching the gospel.

Having said that, however, I was very pleasently surprised by the results. The church building seems much lighter! It's given things a much more friendly, lively, welcoming, vibrant feel, I think. Looking back, I'd say the church was a bit dark and gloomy before - even perhaps a little oppressive in contrast to the new - but I'd not especially noticed it then.

The lights are dimmable and more flexible now.

There are noticable spotlights on the table, the font and the pulpit. Worth thinking about whether you want these and what messages they might send. It's perhaps especially odd for us to have the font super-illuminated when we never use it!

The new lighter light does show up the need for a spring clean (in the inacessible heights) and a lick of paint though....


  1. I hope that you will be volunteering for spring cleaning and decorating duties! And you're right - your church was quite dark and it does make a difference to how people feel about being in the building.

  2. Our regular volunteer cleaning ladies do a wonderful job but we'd need scaffolding towers I expect, and I might be rather too unskilled to be much use with a paintbrush.
