Sunday, April 05, 2009

Jesus calls witnesses for the defence

Here are some jottings for a sermon I'm about to preach on John 5:31-47. The audio should appear on our church sermon page in due course.

Jesus on Trial (II): Jesus calls Defence Witnesses

The innocent Jesus takes the place of the accused man (vv9-17)

Jesus accuses his accusers (vv35, 37-40, 42, 43-47)

We are & will be on trial. Jesus will be the judge (vv22, 27, 30)

The case for Christ / Reasons to believe / Evidence for Jesus

Witnesses for the defence / testimony in Jesus’ favour (Dt 19:15; Jn 8:13-18):

(1) John the Baptist (vv33-35)

John’s example; 1:6-9, 19-35; 3:27-36;

A light on the True Light: a torch shinning at the sun

V34 – the role of human testimony – our testimony?

Mt 11:7-19 – is our response fickle / superficial?

(2) Jesus’ works (v36)

vv17, 19-20 – the signs (miracles);

Consistency (words & works) – Integrity – no hypocrisy

(3) The Father (vv32, 37-38)

Cf. Dt 4:12 – Jesus uniquely reveals the Father - 1:18; 5:19f; 6:46; 14:9 - voice from heaven (12:28-30; Mt 3:17; 17:5); resurrection

We must accept God’s word in our hearts (1:1)

(4) The Scriptures (vv39-40)

The content of the Bible: The point of the whole Bible: v39 – Jesus! v46, 1:45; Lk 24:25-27; Lk 16:29-31

Evidence of Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by Jesus

The purpose of the Bible: The whole point of the Bible: v40 – come to Jesus for life; 20:31; 12:21

Peer pressure? Praise (glory) from men or from God? (v44)

(5) Moses (vv45-47)

Jesus the Prophet like Moses Dt 18:15 cf. Jn 6:14 – Listen to him!

Evidence that demands a verdict

Our verdict on Jesus determines God’s verdict on us

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