Monday, March 09, 2009

Jesus on Trial (John 5)

This is as far as I got for a handout on John 5:16-30, which in the end I didn't handout. But just in case its of some interest or use to anyone:

Accusation 1: Sabbath breaking (v16)

Jesus takes the place of the paralysed man on trial (v9bff, v16)

The issue: Jesus’ identity and authority (v12)

Accusation 2: “Making himself equal with God” (v18)

Jesus’ defence (v17, v19):

(1) Jesus is the Son (vv17-20)

(2) Jesus is the Life-Giver (v21, vv24-26, vv28-29)

(a) Spiritual life in the present (v21, vv24-26)

(b) Physical life in the future (vv28-29)

(3) Jesus is the Judge (vv22, 27, 30)

The sermon is available on our church website audio page.

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