Thursday, February 19, 2009

Calvin above all a ... ?

Ronald Wallace claims that "Calvin is above all a Biblical scholar". I'm not sure I'm convinced. Perhaps he is above all a pastor? Although of course Calvin's patoring, preaching, theology, polemics and organising are all more or less driven by the Bible.

Wallace makes a case for the importance of the Commentaries for understanding Calvin:

Since Calvin is above all a Biblical scholar, his thought can very profitably be studied by reference to his Commentaries, where it is often given most interesting and varied expression. Therefore it has been the aim of this work to show how the particular doctrines under review arise out of his exposition of the Bible, and though the Institutes, Tracts and Sermons have not been neglected, the main source from which quotations have been taken has been his Commentaries.

(Calvin’s Doctrine of the Word and Sacrament (Edinburgh, Scottish Academic Press, 1995) first edition 1953 preface, p. iii)


  1. I don't think I'd want to choose between the biblical scholar or the theologian or the pastor. In fact, I think one could argue that Calvin's greatness stems from the fact that he was all three. Shame he never wrote a commentary on the Song.

  2. Anonymous4:03 pm

    The main activity he seems to have busied himself with was preaching. This combines theologian and pastor does it not?

    It's probably all perspectival anyway, isn't it? :)

  3. Okay, but wasn't his preaching a means of pastoring?
